
You may have noticed over the last few months an increase in engagement from your fans on Facebook especially in video views. When viewing your Facebook Page Insights, take a moment to notice the types of content that are interesting to your audience. Notice when a video is posted it likely gets top engagement numbers compared to pictures and links. If your competition is not currently posting as much video or any video at all that’s an advantage you will have over them. Post more videos! Not just because we say so, of course, there’s also supporting recent news from Facebook itself describing how videos are increasingly more important for the platform.

According to Facebook, video view growth exceeded 50% from May through July. Since June there was an average of 1 billion video views on Facebook daily. This is not about videos you shared from other sites, by the way. These are videos uploaded directly to Facebook. Forget about videos published on your website or YouTube Channel. Facebook has purposely made changes to improve how people discover and share excellent videos uploaded directly to the platform. This month Facebook will roll out several changes including providing number of video views helping others discover and share popular videos.

Facebook’s Autoplaying Your Videos

You may remember when the auto-play feature rolled out on Facebook. This feature has been improved with customizable settings to help users adjust when and if a video is played automatically while scrolling through the News Feed via mobile. Among other improvements Facebook updated:

  • Video Ranking in News Feed
  • Detailed Metrics for Publishers
  • Call to action

So now that Facebook is rolling out these improvements that are driving more engagement for your page, how will your strategy change to incorporate more videos uploaded to Facebook? Will you continue as usual or will you get to work on planning and developing custom videos for your Facebook audience? Let us know your thoughts in the comments. Don’t forget to contact us ASAP to get started on new videos for your Page.


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