If you have a website and would like to find a way to boost your results, you are likely wondering what step you should take first. Having a website is a great way to promote your blog, voice your thoughts or sell products to the world. Unless you optimize your website in a way that grabs attention, you might not get the results you want.

Overcome that problem by using a proven plan and remaining dedicated to the outcome you have in mind, which will take you far. Some people don’t know where they should turn to boost their results. This guide points you in the right direction and allows you to move forward without fear, increasing your odds of success.

Site Layout

No matter what you would like to achieve with your website, having a clean layout is one of the most important steps. The widespread use of social media and other distractions has reduced the average attention span. People will click away from your content if you don’t grab their attention in the first few seconds.

For your layout, make sure you start with a header and several subheaders to make your content easy to read. You must leave spaces between paragraphs because nobody likes reading long blocks of text. When you are writing a sales page, include a bulleted list of the top benefits your customers can enjoy once they buy from you.


The color of your website is essential to your overall success, so you can’t afford to look the other way if you care about your results. Too many people choose colors they think look nice without putting a lot of thought into it, which is a mistake worth avoiding. Use only one or two colors in the beginning so that you don’t send the wrong message and turn people away from your content. Those who sell products or services online should research the psychology of color and how it impacts a customer’s buying decision.

Mobile-Friendly Design

You are making a huge mistake if your website does not have a mobile-friendly design. Advances in technology have made smartphones affordable to almost everyone, and more people than ever use them and other portable devices to surf the web.

Those who don’t have mobile-friendly websites turn a lot of potential customers away each week, and their profit takes a hit as a result of their oversight. Make sure you use a responsive code that lets your content fit all of the popular tablets and smartphones. Doing so might not seem like a big deal if you have not yet done research, but having a site that works on portable devices can boost your profit to the next level.

Code Optimization

When optimizing your website is at the front of your mind and you would like to enjoy positive results, it’s time to review your website’s code. A broken or redundant website code can decrease the loading speed of your website and present a variety of other issues that you won’t want to encounter.

Your prospects won’t stay on your site for long if they spot errors or have to wait too long for pages to load, so you can’t afford to let it happen. Go through your website and replace the code if you want to give your traffic a pleasant experience each time they view one of your webpages.

Resource Optimization

In addition to using poor website coding, having too many resources can harm the experience of your visitors, a mistake you won’t want to make when you care about your effectiveness.

Your website loading times are different for each of your prospects, and the speed of their computer and internet connection play a role. Having a lot of pictures, videos or audio on your website can make your website take even longer to load. Consider removing unneeded resources if you are serious about site optimization.

Progress Monitoring and Optimization

You might think your job ends when you make the recommended changes to your website. The truth, though, is that optimizing your website is an ongoing process that will never end. You can search for and use webmaster tools that track the amount of time your visitors spend on your website, and these insights are more valuable than most people realize. You can make changes to your website and monitor the outcome to see if it has a negative or positive impact.

Using the Right Hosting Plan

At the start of your journey, you can get away with using budget hosting plans without expecting too many problems along the way. But things will change when your website starts gettng much more traffic. If you get a lot of web visitors and have a small hosting package, your website might not be able to handle all the visitors you get, causing your site to crash. Avoid that trap by monitoring your traffic and upgrading your plan when needed.

Results Driven

Some people create a website without having a goal in mind, and they won’t enjoy positive results if they don’t change their approach. Whether you run a personal blog or want to expand a business, each webpage you craft needs to have a clear purpose in mind if you want any hope of success. Having an outcome in mind lets you stay focused on your desired outcome and move your website in that direction. If you are selling products or services, include a call-to-action inviting people to buy. You can also ask people to subscribe to your mailing list or follow your blog.

Final Thoughts

Rather than creating a website at random without an end in mind, keep your goals in sight with each move you make. Optimizing your website is about much more than making it look clean and load fast. You want each page to grab people’s attention and compel them to take a close look at what you have to offer. If you can achieve that mission and strive to improve, the rewards will prove you have made the smart choice.