Let me guess, your website is broken and you don’t know how to fix it? We can help. Although we have a wide variety of services, we are also well versed at fixing and repairing websites.

WordPress Website Fixes

We are experts at WordPress. If you have a broken template, widget, plugin, or just need a certain function to work properly, we can help get your website working again.

Often with WordPress and other CMS platforms, if one file is broken, the whole site can be affected. We analyze and seek out the problems and then diagnose if the problem is worse than just the one file. Often a client will ask us, “Can you fix my WordPress site?” We can fix anything.

Some of the most common WordPress issues we hear from new clients with broken WordPress sites are:
Wordpress with broken permalinks, Broken WordPress images, WordPress Dashboard doesn’t work, wordpress contact form not working, etc. There are millions of ways for WordPress websites could be broken. It just takes experienced diagnosis and ability to fix the website.

Magento Website Fixes

Magento is a different beast than any other platform. Ideal for ecommerce, Magento is a trouble maker when it comes to doing other functions that WordPress excels at. When it comes to ecommerce and inventory management, Magento is one of the best. However, Magento is complicated so most owners can’t diagnose or fix their Magento website issues. We can fix your Magento website and get it up and running fast. Need to switch a payment processor, edit a template, install or remove Magento extensions? Again, call us and see if we can help your site get back online.

Web Site Development

Web site development is add on website programming to an existing website or website building from the ground up. We also development custom programming for both WordPress and Magento websites.

Flat HTML Website Fixes

Websites don’t have to be complicated and if you have a regular html flat website, we can fix those as well. In fact we can fix most websites that are not in the previously mentioned categories. The only websites we don’t support are ASP websites.