
Finding the Perfect Name

One of the first steps in creating or revamping a business is coming up with a name. The business name seems like the easiest step in starting a business. However, it requires a lot of thinking power to find the right one. The name can’t be too long, too confusing to say, or too similar to another business’s name (you don’t want to drive traffic to another business). You also want the name of your business to be easy to pronounce and easy to remember. There are a lot of factors that go into finding the perfect name for your business.

Check the Domain

You may have found the perfect name for your business but almost all domains and social media are taken. The solution would be to create a variation of your business name or offer to pay for the domain or social media handle that is already taken. Sometimes, it becomes more cost effective to change the name. When you’re in the process of naming your business, it’s a good idea to check this website, namechk, to see whether or not it’s already taken.

Brandamos Branding

At Brandamos we’ve been involved in the branding process for multiple companies. This includes the entire ‘look’ of the company, their logo, and even their company name. See the branding we’ve done for various companies hereWe will help you find the perfect name for your business. Just give us a call or email.

Thanks to the business backer for this helpful infographic that covers the many dos and don’ts of naming your business.

Courtesy of: The Business Backer

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